People Always Say I Know That...
But They Don't Show It(Their Known Wisdom) In Their ACTIONS.
May Be They Got Bored For Knowing It for So Many Years....and Kept It On The Attic(Zipped file in our Memory Database, to accomodate space for NEW things).
May Be They Want to SEE and HEAR the SAME KNOWN THING from a Different Medium....
To Realize That,
This(that known thing) is the most I'Mportant thing in our Life"
Its Called............."I"...........which we haven't used for years...
May be that's why Anthony Robins Wrote his Ground Breaking Best Seller"AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN"....which means
The Present YOU + That Known Thing AWAKENED in YOU = "I"
OK Lets Try That Different Medium also....
Have your FAST FOOD...Hot and Steaming~ ~ ~
But They Don't Show It(Their Known Wisdom) In Their ACTIONS.
May Be They Got Bored For Knowing It for So Many Years....and Kept It On The Attic(Zipped file in our Memory Database, to accomodate space for NEW things).
May Be They Want to SEE and HEAR the SAME KNOWN THING from a Different Medium....
To Realize That,
This(that known thing) is the most I'Mportant thing in our Life"
Its Called............."I"...........which we haven't used for years...
May be that's why Anthony Robins Wrote his Ground Breaking Best Seller"AWAKEN THE GIANT WITHIN"....which means
The Present YOU + That Known Thing AWAKENED in YOU = "I"
OK Lets Try That Different Medium also....
Have your FAST FOOD...Hot and Steaming~ ~ ~