Tuesday 31 May 2011

My Life True/False

At the middle of life everyone gets a doubt that what if all my life lived till now is false and i am not, what i lived.
Heard always.....
Boring Yaar..Nothing Special.. Simple.. Monotonic..Regular...What else..
Are we living truely

Get An Education
Get A Job
Get Married
Get Babies
Get Promotion
Get A Bigger Car....

Most of us lead a fairly predictable life..

"Mid Life Is When You Reach The Top Of The Ladder And Find That It Is Against The Wrong Wall"
                                                                      _Joseph Campbell
I Think Its Time For Every One To Ask The Big Question Of Their Life.
Is My Life True?
And If You Felt Something, Its Never Too Late To Take A Decision,Only Condition Being You Are Alive.

Just Watch Some Of The People Who Asked This Question For Themselves..

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