Wednesday 1 June 2011

Better Than Better

People Purchase Things.
A Person's assessment can be done by observing his purchase patterns.
Yes.You Got The Point.
People always settle for Average.People Always asks for Durability and not QUALITY.
The worst case in this is,if it is for things no problem,but if it is a person's CAREER..........???
Get a Qualification for getting a Qualification.
Get a Degree for getting a Degree.
Get a Job for getting a Job.
Living a Life as though you are not Living.
But there are some places on our own earth where,
People Challenge Themselves,
People Create Things,
People Come To Work With Joy(Daily).
People Come To Work For Fun.
People Compare With People On The Other Side Of Earth.
How it will be, if you do your daily activities or work as though you are in a HOLIDAY or VACATION.
How it will be,if you don't want to wait for SUNDAY.
How it will be,if you got good time for spending with Family and Friends.
How it will be,if you and the people around you will work for EXCELLENCE daily.
How about seeing the top of the pyramid.
OK.From Now Always Try To SEE Best In Others,Which Will Make You See BEST In You.
And In The Process..In The Slow Gradual Process.. You Will See Yourself Raising Your Standards.
Before Tasting The Worlds Best Standards..
Let us have a Look at it.How it will be..

Googles Office

Facebook's Office
Apple's Office

Fedex Office

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